Updates/ Upgrades, Renovation/ Remodel … What to do or not do.

If this is your year to do some updates or tackle a remodel, you may be wondering what project will add the most value in the long run.
Paint is the most inexpensive and easiest tool in your tool belt for transforming a room, your interior or your exterior.
Changing your cabinet hardware in the kitchen is another inexpensive and easy uplift to the decor and room.
Changing or painting your front door is a third simple  but impactful change to your home approach and curb appeal.
If something bigger is on your vision, you will add value down the road with:
a bathroom remodel,
kitchen update, 
pantry addition,
changing the garage door
Lighting improvements
Getting your yard in order
or indoor laundry
Only do big projects if you will be able to enjoy them for two to five years to get a return on your investment.
Not sure which would be best for your home? Call, text, or reply here for a time to come by catch up and give you some ideas to fit your vision, your budget and your timing.