Is the Market Finally Slowing Down?

What does the increase in interest rates do to real estate values?

Welcome to the June wrap and a closer look at the market as we move full speed into summer.
So let’s look at what is true …
– Interest rates are up.
– Home values are beginning to flatten.
– Inventory is continuing to increase.

Hand in hand with this is that rents are continuing to rise.
As a buyer you can put the tourniquet on your rent cost bleeding by looking at locking your payment with a loan on your “own” home that will allow your money to grow instead of your landlords.
Because of the inventory increase you have more options and with the market shift seller concessions are coming into the picture again.

68% of sellers are saying this is a good time to sell and because of that the inventory is on the rise. With strategic preparation as a seller you will be able to capture your highest equity as you move on to your next chapter before the next shift in July.

The chart below shows important numbers for the close of May.


Text, call or reply to this email for a time to look at your situation and develop a strategy to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

Charlotte Volsch