Identifying and Avoiding Wire Fraud

Protecting Yourself and Your Real Estate Transaction from Wire Transfer Fraud

Buying a home is an exciting journey, but it also comes with risks, one of which is wire transfer fraud. This type of fraud can be devastating, as once the money is gone, it’s usually impossible to get it back. To help you stay safe, here are some important red flags to watch out for and tips on how to protect yourself.

Red Flags of Wire Transfer Fraud

  1. Bizarre Phrasing: If you receive an email with sentences that don’t make sense or sound strange, be cautious. Scammers often use translation tools or write in a hurry, resulting in awkward English.
  2. Awkward English: Pay attention to how the email is written. If it sounds unnatural or overly formal, it might be a scam. For example, phrases like “Dear Esteemed Customer” or “Kindly Transfer Funds Posthaste” are unusual in everyday communication.
  3. Poor Grammatical Choices: Look for mistakes in grammar. Scammers may mix up tenses, use incorrect verbs, or make other grammatical errors. For instance, “You must transfers the money now” is a clear red flag.
  4. Incorrect Punctuation: Notice if the email has missing or excessive punctuation. An email like “Send me the details….please!” or “Hello,, how are you?” is suspicious.
  5. Weird Spacing or Capitalization: Emails with inconsistent spacing or random capital letters can indicate a scam. For example, “PlEASE send THE Payment IMMEDIATELY” looks unprofessional and suspicious.

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Verify All Requests: Always double-check any requests for money transfers. Call your real estate agent or the person requesting the transfer usually an escrow officer, using a known, trusted phone number. Do not use the contact information provided in the suspicious email.
  2. Confirm with Your Bank: Before sending any funds, confirm the wire instructions with your bank. They can help ensure the details match what you were given.
  3. Use Secure Channels: Communicate sensitive information through secure channels. Avoid sending wire transfer details via email. Instead, use encrypted messages or secure portals provided by your real estate agency.
  4. Be Wary of Last-Minute Changes: If you receive an email or call saying the wire instructions have changed, be very cautious. Scammers often wait until the last minute to trick you. Always verify any changes directly with a trusted contact.
  5. Educate Yourself and Your Family: Make sure everyone involved in the transaction knows about these red flags and understands the importance of verifying all communications.

What to Do If You Suspect Fraud

  1. Stop Immediately: If you suspect you’re being scammed, stop all communications with the suspected scammer immediately.
  2. Contact Your Bank: If you have already sent money, contact your bank right away. They might be able to stop the transfer if it’s caught early.
  3. Report the Fraud: Report the incident to your local authorities and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.
  4. Consult with a Professional: Speak with a real estate professional or an attorney to get advice on how to proceed and protect your interests.

In A Nutshell . . .

By staying alert and following these tips, you can protect yourself from wire transfer fraud and ensure your real estate transaction goes smoothly. Always remember: if something feels off, trust your instincts and verify before you act. . . call with questions so we can guide you in the right lane avoiding scams.