The Best Time To Sell Your House Is When Others Aren’t Selling

If you’re thinking about selling your house, you should know that the number of homes for sale right now is low. That’s because, this season, there are fewer sellers listing their houses for sale than the norm. Looking back at every April since 2017, the only year when fewer sellers listed their homes was in April 2020, when

The Best Time To Sell Your House Is When Others Aren’t Selling Read More »

Do I need a tax identification number when selling real estate in probate or a trust?

The simple answer is “yes”, a tax identification number or EIN (employer identification number) is necessary when acting as an Inland Empire & High Desert executor, administrator or trustee. How is a Tax Identification Number different than a Social Security Number? During the decedent’s life, the trust is typically revocable and taxes are paid by

Do I need a tax identification number when selling real estate in probate or a trust? Read More »

Can an Inland Empire or High Desert house be sold while “in probate”?

The simple answer to this question is yes, an Inland Empire or High Desert house can be sold while in probate. Real estate is typically the largest asset within the estate and experience shows that most Executors and Administrators choose to sell the house during the probate period. Since a California probate on average lasts

Can an Inland Empire or High Desert house be sold while “in probate”? Read More »

The Four Phases of the Real Estate Cycle: Understanding Recovery, Expansion, Hyper Supply and Recession

I’ve never known anyone who can regularly predict when the real estate market will peak, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to gauge where we are in the real estate cycle. Real estate regularly goes through multi-year cycles of boom and bust periods. These cycles can be broken into four periods: recovery, expansion, hyper-supply,

The Four Phases of the Real Estate Cycle: Understanding Recovery, Expansion, Hyper Supply and Recession Read More »